
I principali appuntamenti di riferimento per tutti i Professionisti dell'Endodonzia, in Italia e nel resto del mondo.

Master: Ospiti Speciali

Scopri gli tutti gli Amici e gli Illustri "Ospiti Speciali" del Master in Clinical and Surgical Microendodontics che hanno tenuto seminari e conferenze presso la Sede della Dental School Torino - Lingotto.


MATTHIAS ZEHNDER, Prof. Dr. Med. Dent., PhD
University of Zürich

Matthias Zehnder was born 1969 in St. Gall, Switzerland. He graduated from the University of Bern School of Dental Medicine in 1994, where he received his doctoral degree in dentistry (Dr. med. dent.) in 1996. Subsequently, he worked in private practice and part-time as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Oral Cell Biology, University of Bern School of Dental Medicine.

Between 1998 and 1999, he was employed at the Department of Oral Biology and Periodontology, Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine. He then took a specialist training in Endodontology at Columbia University, from which he graduated in 2001. In addition, Matt has completed a PhD at Turku University (Finland) in 2005, and has received a Docent title from the University of Zürich in 2007.

Currently, he is the tenured head of the Division of Endodontology at the Clinic of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology, and Cariology, University of Zürich. Matt’s main research interests are to develop dental biomaterials, diagnose pulpal disease using molecular markers, and to improve approaches to disinfect dental hard tissues. He is associate editor of the International Endodontic Journal and on the editorial board of some other scientific journals.

Eventi Speciali Master

Lecture 1: Molecular Diagnostics in Endodontics

This lecture will cover the diagnosis of the state of the dental pulp and the periapical tissues.

This information can be important to find the tooth that hurts, or, on the flipside, to rule out a tooth as the source of atypical facial pain. When do teeth hurt, and why?

As will be shown, this is not really as well understood as one might think. A further clinically important yet shamefully overlooked topic is pulp diagnostics in teeth before restoration. Current methods reveal rather little on the state of the pulp that does not hurt, and whether it is irreversibly inflamed or not. A possible road out of this state of ignorance is molecular diagnostics.

Lecture 2: Chemo-mechanical disinfection of the pulp space

This lecture will be on the specifics of root canal infections, and how the clinician can target these effectively and efficiently.

We will discuss how we can use our time wisely, and how we can easily and cost-effectively improve our disinfection schemes.